Forward Together Reconciling Class
Sundays at 9:45 a.m. in the downstairs classroom of the Education Building (Behind the Sanctuary)
As committed disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, through our baptismal covenant, Forward Together, an affirming Sunday School Class at Bethany United Methodist Church welcomes, affirms and celebrates into our church life together people of every gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, mental or physical ability, ethnicity, socio-economic or documentation status. We invite you to join us in our faith journey toward discipleship in Christ with mutual respect, understanding and love. For more information contact the facilitator of Forward Together, Michael Corsi-OConnor, at
Click the button below to see who we partner with.
Lizzie Grey Chandler Class
Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the upstairs classroom of the Education Building (Behind the Sanctuary)
The Lizzie Grey Chandler Sunday School Class is a traditional, adult Sunday school class which was started in 1947 as the Heritage Class This was taught by Ms. Chandler after agreeing to teach temporarily, but then turned into teaching for many, many years. It was later renamed in 1965 in her honor. At present there are a number of church members who volunteer to rotate teaching. Teachings can range from following the lectionary, engaging with biblical stories, studying books of day-to-day local interest, or specific topics (music, family, etc.). We would love for you to visit us on a Sunday morning!
Click the button below to see who we partner with.
Young Disciples Class
Sundays at 9:45 a.m. in the downstairs classroom of the Education Building (Behind the Sanctuary)
A child’s faith journey begins at an early age, and it is our job to love and nurture them along the way. In a multi age setting, children experience engaging and fun activities that encourage them to discover God and grow in their faith. Our Young Disciples Class allows parents and caretakers to attend adult Sunday School classes during this hour.
*Our programs for children follow Bethany’s Safe Sanctuaries Policy for abuse prevention. Learn more about Safe Sanctuaries here.