Pastoral Care

Pastor Cole is always happy to meet one-on-one or in a group setting to talk about any kind of spiritual, mental or emotional concerns. Pastor Cole seeks to create a non-judgmental environment where there is no agenda, only compassionate care, listening and understanding. Pastor Cole isn’t trying fix, save, advise, or set anyone straight (taken from Parker Palmer) but instead seeks to listen with curiosity, ask clarifying questions and help individuals understand their own being. Pastor Cole won’t tell you what to do but will instead help you to find the answer that God has put within your own self. Feel free to reach out to Pastor Cole at
Visitation Team
God asks the church to be a community of people sharing a common purpose and fellowship, continually growing in faith and in the knowledge of the Jesus Christ. People matter to both God and to us. Visiting them lets them know we care and haven’t forgotten them.
The Bethany UMC Visitation Team is a group of Bethany lay members, and the pastor, who provide visitation care with compassion, encouragement, and support for church members who are ill, hospitalized, homebound, in a nursing facility or in assisted living. They carry on simple conversations and are comfortable praying with those they visit. If you are interested in joining our visitation team, please contact our Lay Leader, Gary Corsi-OConnor at

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties. If you are interested in being paired with a Stephen Minister during a difficult season in your life, please email the pastor at
Our Stephen Ministers:
- Lynne S.
- Connie K.
- Dan P.
- Gary C.
- John L.
Hospitality Team
Many of Jesus’ striking moments occurred around meals. Bethany’s Hospitality Team hosts monthly mealtimes and occasional special receptions to build relationships that make people feel valued and creates a strong sense of community. We also help in coordinating meals for those who may experiencing the loss of a loved one. If you are interested in joining the Hospitality Team, please contact Gary Corsi-OConnor,