Small Groups

Seasonal Bible Studies

As United Methodists we believe that Scripture is primary in our faith journey and that God speaks to us in many ways through it.


In different seasons of life, we may need to hear different things.  We have Bible Studies to seek wisdom in order to address the ups and downs of different seasons in our lives and to find ways to flourish in all of creation and humanity.  Our Bible Studies can be based off of the Church liturgical calendar, current events or specific needs in our community.  See you at the next one which begins in the season of Lent (3/5).

Reach out to our office to find out

when our next Bible Study will be

Vital Conversations

Third Tuesdays at 7:00pm

Vital Conversations seeks to challenge and equip the people of Bethany United Methodist Church to be an intentionally diverse body of Christ. Vital Conversations offers tools through guided studies to help engage conversations about racial justice, racism and religion. It leads, monitors and advocates becoming antiracist, and serves as a fair-process advocate in matters of racial discrimination. Vital Conversations is committed to dismantling racism by championing diversity, equity and inclusion; developing interculturally competent leaders; and catalyzing authentic community. We also address injustice broadly pertaining to issues of poverty, nationalism, tribal conflicts, gender discrimination, disability and generational bias. For more information contact the facilitator of Vital Conversation, Michael Corsi-OConnor, at

United Women in Faith

The United Women in Faith are a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to
develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the Church. Our goal is to build a community of faithful and informed women who love and respond to God through mission & service.

As a Unit at Bethany United Methodist Church we subscribe to read Response magazine, participate in annual mission studies, attend schools of Christian mission, participate in the reading program, attend unit, district and conference events. Participate in program and training activities. Annually we have a work day & this year it is to the Merci Center on March 22, 2025. Our Durham Unit are asked to provide supplies for school kits including crayons, blunt scissors & erasers for this project.  All women are invited to attend and share in our life and ministry!

Quadrennial Theme:

Finding Joy in a New Day – Faith

Second Tuesdays at 7:00pm

in the Fellowship Center

United Methodist Men

Second Tuesdays at 7:00pm

in the Fellowship Center

We are a group of men united in purpose to join in fellowship, in mission work, and in building up and supporting each other in Christian friendship. All men are invited to the meetings.


The United Methodist Men are involved in many ministries and projects including: the Jacob M. Bauer Memorial Scholarship (an annual college scholarship), organizing fundraisers (BBQ and pancake dinners), hosting the annual Henry Garrett Memorial Breakfast and handling work projects.

The Fellowship Dartball League

The Fellowship Dartball League consists of 15 teams from churches in Durham and Orange counties, North Carolina. Dartball is a game that combines throwing darts with the rules and gameplay of baseball. The season runs from September to April, with a tournament at the end of the season to determine the league champion. 


Bethany started in the league from the outset and has continued with a team each year until the present. We’ve had our ups and downs over the years as far as how we finished in the final standings. But, the main focus has been in good Christian fellowship for the men of the greater Durham/Orange county area.

Mondays at 7:00pm