We believe that life is a journey, and the focus is not necessarily on the destination as much as it is about how we learn to walk the road. In our spiritual lives that means we are constantly asking the question, “Where is God in all of this? Where is the grace?”
We believe in a God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who forgives and restores, who specializes in bringing life out of death, hope out of despair. To follow God does not guarantee an ideal life or excuse us from the hard work of sustaining ourselves and our community; it means that we are not alone.
Bethany has learned that music provides the rhythm for our journey, the cadence of our step. At any given gathering we might be moving to classical organ music, contemporary songs, Blue Grass tunes, simple guitar melodies, rocking bands, choirs of all ages, or the chiming of handbells! Our roots are in the United Methodist tradition, a people known for strong singing and warm hearts!
We believe that what God requires of us is that we show up. We don’t have to be good enough or smart enough. There are no requirements or tests to be passed. We don’t have to have all the answers. We don’t even have to have any of the answers; we can come if all we have are questions!